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Honeycrisp Apple Cider Mimosas

Course: Drinks
Keyword: honeycrisp apple cider, apple cider, mimosas, apple cider mimosas
Servings: 8 people


  • 2 bottles champagne, yielding approx. 8 mimosas
  • 1 bottle honeycrisp apple cider
  • 1 large honeycrisp apple, washed and cut into thin slices
  • red sanding sugar
  • 8 cinnamon sticks


  • Dip the rim of the champagne flutes in a bowl filled with apple cider. Then dip the flutes in another bowl filled with red sanding sugar. Twist the glass around a few times until the rim is fully coated.
  • Fill the flutes about a quarter full with apple cider, then fill to the top with champagne, taking care to stop just short of the sugar rim to keep the rim intact.
  • Add a slice of honeycrisp apple to the edge of each flute by cutting a small slice into the center of the apple slice then sliding it onto the rim. Lay a cinnamon stick across the top to be dropped into the glass upon drinking for a little extra holiday flavor!